Do UX Designers need to know how to Code?

Many are entering the field of User Experience and wonder if they need to learn to code to be successful in the job. It’s an understandable concern, as there is a huge knowledge chasm a newbie must traverse even without the topic of coding.

There are tons of design programs, philosophies, design laws and rules and just the general jargon of the field to master. Coding on top of all of that can make the needed knowledge seem insurmountable. So, do you really need the coding? Some people say “I work in UX and I never code. It’s not necessary.” Others say “you can’t get hired unless you can code”. Which is accurate?

The answer to this question is a matter of opinion more than fact. Some people’s opinion is yes – you should code, other’s opinion is no – you don’t need code. 

Surface Understanding vs Deep Understanding: Photography Metaphor

This is similar to asking “Can you be a great photographer without understanding the science behind how cameras work?”  Yes, there are good photographers who just buy cameras, point and click, and don’t have any insight into how cameras work. There are other photographers who go so far as to build a camera, become camera experts and develop all of their own pictures by hand. 

What is the difference between the two? The increased understanding gives the more knowledgeable photographer more insight into their finished product, and more control over how it looks. Instead of letting someone else develop the film, this photographer knows exactly how it can be developed, how it should be developed and if it deviates in the smallest bit, this photographer has the knowledge and resources to rectify the situation.  

In contrast, the photographer with low camera knowledge can only point and click and must rely on the talent of others to ensure the camera operates properly and the film is developed properly.

Do UX Designers Need Deep Code Understanding?

Just like our photographer example, you can create layouts without knowing anything about code. However, if you understand code then it will absolutely affect the level of control and insight your layouts will include. It will also affect the complexity of your layouts and your ability to push the envelope. When a developer says a layout isn’t possible, you can counter if you understand the code.

Also, in using our design tools like Figma or Sketch, much of the layout rules are based upon coding knowledge. For example, rounded corners in both programs are controlled similarly to how they are controlled in CSS.  Drop shadow also emulates the CSS element. Color pickers use RGBa and Hex code. At the bottom line, knowing CSS gives an easier learning curve into design software.

Is coding required to be a designer? No. Does it help? Yes. Should you learn how to code before you jump into UX? I recommend taking a short, 10-hour, free course in coding. That should be enough. It’s not hard to take a short, free course and the knowledge is invaluable. Don’t be a point and click designer. Go deeper, understand the fundamentals and that will give a much better basis for building great designs.